Uses & Benefits of Essential Oils

Published 19th Sep 2023

For every health problem, there's a good chance that there is an essential oil to help resolve it. But what exactly are pure essential oils?Essetial oils are natural and highly concentrated chemical compounds found within plants.  

What Are Essential Oils?

For every health problem, there's a good chance that there is an essential oil to help resolve it. But what exactly are pure essential oils? 

Essential oils are natural and highly concentrated chemical compounds found within plants. Once extracted, these natural compounds maintain the plant’s aroma and overall 'essence', bottled up and becoming what we know as pure essential oils. Whether used for aromatherapy, diffusing or topical application, each essential oil contains an array of benefits that can enhance daily routines and assist in combatting life's unexpected health challenges.

Essential Oils Benefits

The healing powers of plants were first recognised by our ancestors in 1800 BCE, where they were used to strengthen immunity and heal the sick. Nowadays, extracted and transformed into essential oils, they are used as a natural alternative to help improve physical and mental health, well-being and overall quality of life. 

The human sense of smell is the only one of the five senses connected to the limbic system - the part of the brain that influences emotions, behaviour and memory. Each time someone inhales an essential oil, the limbic system is activated; the brain responds by sending chemical messengers linked to our nervous system, initiating an emotional response. If you have ever heard the saying, "Nothing is more memorable than a smell", it’s likely this scientific truth is where it stems from! 

Popular Natural Oil Benefits

  • Wellbeing – Because of the way that essential oils interact with the brain, the uses and benefits of essential oils are known to enhance physical and emotional well-being. 
  • Sleep and Relaxation – Due to their natural calming and sedative properties, there are many essential oils that have been seen to effectively promote sleep and relaxation.  

  • Skincare – The benefits of essential oils in skincare are quite versatile, from treating acne and balancing oils to reducing dark circles and wrinkles. Some essential oils are also used to treat eczema, psoriasis, scarring and pigmentation. 

  • Headaches & Nausea Essential oil benefits have also been seen to help manage head pains and nausea. 

  • Inflammation By diluting an essential oil with a carrier oil and applying it topically, many essential oils are beneficial in easing inflammation.  

  • Muscle and Joint Pain – Many essential oils naturally carry anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic (pain relieving) properties, and are commonly used to ease arthritis, muscle and joint pain. 

  • Household Cleaning – Because of their antiseptic, disinfecting and deodorising properties, various essential oils are beneficial when it comes to cleaning. In addition, many help keep your home smelling fresh, naturally! 

Application of Essential Oils

Essential oils and their uses can vary, although collectively they fall under an umbrella term, ‘Aromatherapy’. 

Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

The process of using natural plant extracts (essential oils) to receive the therapeutic benefits they offer is known as ‘Aromatherapy’. Whether we’re using pure essential oils in the bath, a massage or in an essential oil diffuser, we are practicing aromatherapy in some shape or form. 

When you inhale a natural aroma, its therapeutic properties stimulate part of the brain, encouraging an emotional and often a physical response. For example, because of its anxiolytic and sedative properties, inhaling lavender essential oil is thought to be one of the best ways to calm the brain and assist with sleep. 

How to Use Essential Oils in a Diffuser

An aromatherapy diffuser allows you to fill an entire space with the therapeutic aroma of an essential oil. Not only does this enhance your environment by creating a pleasant smell, but when diffused, users can safely receive therapeutic essential oil properties through inhalation. 

How to Use Essential Oils Topically (On the Skin)

When applied topically, some essential oils are known to promote healthy glowing skin, whilst others can ease joint and muscle pain through massage. We receive these essential oil benefits because the oil is absorbed deep into the skin and enters the bloodstream once applied topically. Essential oils also affect the skin cells and underlying muscles they are applied to. In saying this, it is important to remember that these oils are highly concentrated, so they should always be diluted before direct contact with the skin. 

As a general guideline for healthy adults, we recommend: 

  • 2 - 4% dilution for skin application 
  • 1 - 2% dilution for facial application 
Essential Oil Dilution Guide

Here are some ways to use essential oils topically:

  • Add your essential oil to a carrier oil or base massage oil to create a soothing massage oil. 
  • For a quick and convenient way to use essential oils topically, add your dilution to a glass roller bottle and apply to your pulse points (temples, wrists, behind your ears and soles of your feet). 
  • To ease muscle and joint pain and promote relaxation, add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to a warm bath. 
  • You can also add one-two drops of your chosen essential oil to a daily moisturiser to boost its existing benefits. 

How to Use Essential Oils for Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning, many people are moving away from chemical-filled, store-bought products and opting for natural alternatives, and this is where essential oils can help. 

As it goes, many oils have long been used to keep homes clean due to their properties. It's why in-store products use certain fragrances in the first place — consumers associate them with cleanliness!

Here are some of our favourite essential oils for cleaning: 

What Are the Common Uses of Essential Oils?

Every essential oil has a unique chemical profile comprised of different properties. Because of this, all essential oils provide different therapeutic benefits that can assist with specific concerns. To learn more, browse our essential oils uses list by clicking the drop downs! 


Essential Oils for Sleep and Insomnia

  • When you need sleep, we say use Lavender essential oil! Because of its calming, soothing and sedative properties, Lavender oil is known to relieve stress and enhance sleep quality. 
  • With natural calming and comforting properties, Frankincense essential oil can help clear a muddled mind and encourage rest or sleep. 
  • Bergamot essential oil is also well-valued for its calming effect and is known to prompt psychological change that may decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure, and promote sleep. 

To appreciate the goodness of all these essential oils, consider the AWO Sleep pack with 100% pure Frankincense Olibanum, Lavender and Bergamot in one handy box! 


Essential Oils for Hair Growth

  • Rosemary essential oil is known to be most effective because of its ability to deliver the nutrients needed for hair follicles to grow. Rosemary essential oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which assist with reducing dandruff.  
  • Cedarwood essential oil is known to stimulate hair growth by balancing oil-producing glands and increasing circulation on the scalp. 

Essential Oils For Hair Loss

Essential Oils For Hair Loss

  • Because of its soothing and regenerating abilities, Lavender essential oil is known to be one of the best for treating hair loss. 
  • Peppermint essential oil has also gained traction when it comes to treating hair loss. Its stimulating properties are known to thicken the inner layer of the scalp, in turn increasing hair follicles. 
  • Just as it promotes hair growth, the nutrients in Rosemary essential oil are also said to help prevent hair loss.  

Essential Oils For Inflammation

Essential Oils For Inflammation

  • Ginger essential oil and Eucalyptus essential oil are among the best oils known for reducing inflammation and easing pain. 
  • Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Ginger essential oil can stimulate circulation and ease muscle, joint and arthritis pain. 
  • Eucalyptus essential oil is also considered to be an effective pain reliever and is commonly used to ease inflammation, treat headaches and alleviate muscle and joint pain. To experience these essential oil benefits, simply dilute in a carrier oil and apply topically, or try adding a few drops to a warm bath. 
  • With natural anti-inflammatory properties, Frankincense essential oil is said to help reduce pain and swelling.  

Essential Oils For Stress

Essential Oils For Stress

  • If you're contemplating what essential oils are good for stress, citrus oils like Orange Sweet or Lime essential oil are excellent options for uplifting moods and alleviating stress.  
  • We also recommend Lavender essential oil. It’s one of the most popular essential oils for stress relief due to its natural anxiolytic and sedative properties. 
  • Sandalwood essential oil boasts relaxing properties said to help relieve stress, anxiety, and nervous tension. 
  • Another option you might consider for stress relief is Rose essential oil. Because of its natural sedative, comforting and balancing properties, many have found Rose oil effective for relieving stress and nervous tension. 

Essential Oils For Skin

Essential Oils For Skin

Because essential oils are highly concentrated, they can irritate and even burn the skin when used incorrectly. They are also less effective if used undiluted, and as such, we recommend you always dilute them first (please refer to our safe dilution guideline above). 

Essential Oils for Oily Skin 

Essential Oils for Dry Skin 

Essential Oils for Acne 

  • Tea Tree essential oil has proven incredibly beneficial for relieving acne, redness and inflammation. It is also known to soothe dry and irritated skin and encourage speedy wound healing. 
  • Lavender essential oil is also one of the best essential oils for acne prone skin. This is because its antibacterial and antiseptic properties combine to unclog pores and kill bacteria that can cause acne breakouts

Essential Oils for Acne Scars & Pigmentation 

Essential Oils for Wrinkles 

  • Rose Geranium essential oil contains antioxidant properties that help fight environmental toxins and UV damage, reducing the signs of ageing. 
  • Other essential oils that ease wrinkles and promote youthful skin are Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils. 

Essential Oils For Headaches & Migraines

Essential Oils For Headaches and Migraines

  • Due to its high menthol content, Peppermint essential oil is effective in relaxing muscles, easing pain, and relieving headaches and migraines.   

Popular Essential Oils

With so many different essential oils available, choosing the best one for your health problem can feel overwhelming. Here, we have listed some of the most versatile essential oils known to treat several health issues simultaneously. 

  • Peppermint Essential Oil - Its stimulating and clarifying properties are known to assist with fatigue, supporting concentration, and relieving painful headaches. 
  • Lavender Essential Oil - This oil is said to be one of the best for managing stress and sleeplessness. It is also commonly used to relieve irritability and nervous tension. 
  • Lemon Essential Oil - Its antiseptic properties make lemon oil effective in easing painful insect bites and cold sores and treating cuts and wounds. Lemon is also known to be a great essential oil for oily and acne prone skin. 
  • Orange Sweet Essential Oil - Not only known to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms, boost the immune system and soothe irritated skin, Orange Sweet oil also has an uplifting yet calming effect on the mind. 
  • Frankincense Olibanum Essential Oil - One of the most versatile essential oils, there’s not much that Frankincense can’t help with! Commonly used in meditation, Frankincense is said to clear the mind, relieve respiratory-related illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis, strengthen the immune system and promote healthy skin regeneration. 

Choosing the Best Essential Oils

Fundamentally, most users are looking for the specific therapeutic benefits of an essential oil to support their health and wellness. Yet there are some other things to be aware of when browsing for your oils, such as: 

Essential Oil Purity

For those wanting to purchase essential oils, we always recommend finding a product that is 100% pure. This means the oil is free from synthetic fragrances, fillers, and other nasties that may harm your health and diminish its therapeutic properties. 

When it comes to essential oil purity, there are a lot of misleading and false claims within the market. So, here are some tips to help you decipher whether an essential oil is 100% pure: 

  • Find a reputable supplier who is willing to produce clear product documentation and information. 
  • Essential oils that are 100% pure should list the botanical species (commonly found in the ingredients list). 
  • 100% pure essential oils should contain only one ingredient, and that’s the single botanical species of the plant. 
  • Always look for a product that says ‘100% pure essential oil’ on the bottle. 

Essential Oil Quality

Unfortunately, the essential oils industry is highly unregulated. Because of this, various organisations often use marketing terms such as ‘therapeutic grade’ to give the perception of a higher quality oil, when this is not necessarily the case. At AWO, quality and traceability are of the utmost importance. We only supply materials from approved sources to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality item each time they buy from us. 

Are Essential Oils Safe?

While essential oils can have profound benefits to your overall health and well-being, they are extremely potent and concentrated and can be harmful when used incorrectly. It is also important to understand that essential oil safety is dependent on several factors, such as: 

  • How the oil is used  
  • The age of the user 
  • Existing health conditions 
  • Any other medication being used 

Potential Dangers with Essential Oils

  • There have been claims made by multilevel organisations stating that essential oils are safe to ingest because they are 'natural' - however, this is not necessarily the case. When taken internally, essential oils can poison the body and lead to serious health issues. 
  • Because these oils are so potent, they should always be safely diluted before  applying them topically.
  • Some essential oils can also be harmful to use around children or pets. Always do your research about an essential oil before you begin using it. 

Potential Dangers with Essential Oils

There is a lot of information about this topic online, much of it contradictory! It’s why we wrote an article about safe oils for pets, which we encourage you to read if you keep animals at home. 

While it is vital you do your own research about the safe use of oils around dogs and other pets, here are some of the most common oils you may want to avoid: 

  • Eucalyptus 
  • Peppermint 
  • Pine Scotch 
  • Tea Tree 
  • Wintergreen 
  • Ylang Ylang 
  • Cinnamon 

Safe Storage

Essential oils don’t have a ‘shelf life’ as such and can last for many years. However, to obtain optimum freshness, we recommend using your essential oils within 24 months. It is also best to store your essential oils in their original dark glass bottles, in a cool and dry place at room temperature, ensuring that they are not directly exposed to sunlight and are out of reach of children and pets. 

Where to Buy Essential Oils

Now you know all about essential oils and their uses, not to mention essential oils properties and benefits, you can begin appreciating these pure natural oils for yourself, enhancing your health and wellness at home. 

Or perhaps you already enjoy the many benefits of natural oils and are looking to source high-quality products from a trusted supplier in Australia. 

While essential oils are generally available to purchase at health, wellness and retail stores, it is important to remember that the purity and quality of these essential oils will vary. That is why we recommend finding a reputable supplier. 

At AWO, we have a wide selection of 100% pure essential oils, organic essential oils and carrier oils sold at affordable prices. Because our stock is purchased in bulk, our costs are significantly lower, allowing us to offer our high-quality products at a low cost to our customers. What’s more, we are based right here in Australia! 

Visit our online store for a comprehensive list of essential oils and benefits. 

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