6 Benefits Of Peppermint Essential Oil

Published 17th Jan 2024

For an oil with a beautifully fresh aroma and a wealth of benefits, you can’t go wrong with Peppermint Essential Oil.  

In this article, we’ll look at the benefits Peppermint Essential Oil can bring to all aspects of life, as well as how to practically incorporate it into your routine.  

Firstly, What Is Peppermint Essential Oil?

Peppermint Essential Oil belongs to the mint family and is extracted from the peppermint herb via steam distillation. The result is an oil with a uniquely fresh, sweet and incredible ‘minty’ aroma.   

From a flu fighter to a natural cleaner, Peppermint Oil is one of the most popular essential oils for a variety of applications.

6 Benefits Of Peppermint Essential Oil

The unique chemical makeup of Peppermint Oil makes it beneficial for many aspects of life. These include: 

1. Believed To Help Relieve Coughs, Colds And Flus

Peppermint Oil has long been utilised as a natural decongestant and fever fighter thanks to its menthol content.   

Additionally, the natural antiseptic content of Peppermint Oil is known to help increase air flow in the nasal passages. This helps provide more air to the lungs while improving nasal breathing. 

2. Known To Be A Powerful Insect Repellent

The incredibly potent menthol content of Peppermint Oil makes it a powerful repellent for spiders, wasps, bees, and mosquitos. Additionally, it has also been seen to help deter rats and other rodents.  

3. Has Been Seen To Help Relieve Inflammation

The natural analgesic and antispasmodic properties of Peppermint Essential Oil are known to relieve headaches, inflammation, muscle and joint pain.  

Applying a diluted solution of Peppermint Oil to the skin known to help stimulate blood circulation while bringing a soothing, cooling feeling to tired muscles and joints.  

4. May Help Relieve Nausea

The antispasmodic properties of Peppermint Essential Oil are known to relax the gastric muscles, which has a significant antiemetic (nausea preventing) effect.  

In fact, a 2021 study revealed that inhaling Peppermint Oil helped reduced feelings of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.  

5. Believed To Help Soothe Acne

The antiseptic, antibiotic and analgesic properties of Peppermint Essential Oil have been seen to be beneficial for treating acne.  

These properties are also known to help sooth irritation, inflammation and redness due to Peppermint Oil’s natural ‘cooling’ effect. For this reason, applying a diluted solution of Peppermint Oil to the skin may help dilate blood vessels, offering a cooling and pain reliving sensation to the skin.  

6. Known To Work As A Useful Household Cleaner

Peppermint Essential Oil’s antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties make it a useful ingredient for disinfecting floors and surfaces. Additionally, the fresh, cooling and reviving aromas of Peppermint Essential Oil make an effective natural deodoriser.  

Popular Ways To Use Peppermint Essential Oil

To enjoy the many benefits of Peppermint Oil, we recommend either topical application or inhalation via a diffuser.  

Topical Application

To help relieve feelings of congestion and enjoy the cooling effect of Peppermint Essential Oil, dilute it into a carrier oil and apply to the skin using one of the following methods: 

  • Simply dilute Peppermint Oil into your favourite carrier oil, such as Jojoba or Coconut, at a 1-2% dilution and apply to the skin.  
  • For facial application, we recommend the same method at a 1% dilution. 


For those wanting to experience the benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil via inhalation, add a few drops to your aromatherapy or car diffuser. To do so: 

  1. Add some water to the diffuser basin  
  2. Add roughly 5 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil 
  3. Plug in and start your diffuser to enjoy Peppermint’s refreshing aroma 

3 Common Ways To Use Peppermint Essential Oil

Now you know the many benefits Peppermint Oil has been seen to bring to all aspects of life, you might be wondering how to practically incorporate it into your routine.  

Some of the most popular ways to enjoy Peppermint Oil include: 

1. Dilute A Few Drops Into A Warm Bath

To help relieve headaches, muscle spasms, inflammation and muscle pain, dilute a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil into a warm bath.  

2. Add A Few Drops To A Carrier Oil For A Natural Cleanser

To receive the antiseptic and antibacterial benefits of Peppermint Oil, try diluting a few drops into your favourite carrier oil or moisturiser and apply to the affected area.  

3. Mix With A Carrier Oil For A Homemade Vapor Rub

For a homemade vapor rub, mix Peppermint Oil with Coconut and Eucalyptus Oil to help relieve congestion and stuffy sinus’.  

What Does It Blend Well With?

Peppermint Oil’s delightful, fresh aroma blends well with various other oils. Some popular diffuser blends incorporating Peppermint Essential Oil include: 

For A Refreshing Blend

For A Congestion Fighting Blend

Quick tip: For the ultimate cold fighting blend, see our winter wellness pack here.  

Tea Tree Oil

Diffusing a blend of Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil is believed to act as a refreshing scented insect repellant.

Grapefruit Pink Oil

Pink Grapefruit's citrus, sweet scent blends well with Peppermint Oil's refreshing, minty aroma.

Winter Wellness

Containing Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, Cedarwood & Lemon Oil for the ultimate flu-fighting blend.

How Do You Know If You Have Quality Peppermint Oil?

The quality and purity of Peppermint Essential Oil will vary depending on where you purchase it from. Therefore, it’s important to look for several things to ensure you’re purchasing a pure, unadulterated essential oil.  

Top 6 Things To Look For

  1. The oils Latin name, in this case Mentha Arvensis, listed on the bottle. If a product doesn’t have the Latin name listed, it’s probably a mix of synthetic fragrance oils. 
  2. Oil packaging is in a dark glass bottle. This will prevent light and heat from damaging the oil.  
  3. The label clearly states ‘100% pure Peppermint Essential Oil’. This will ensure the product isn’t blended with any other oils.  
  4. Be sure to check the expiry date if buying in store 
  5. The product clearly states where the oil is from. 
  6. Be wary of a very low price. It could be an indicator of low quality or adulterated essential oils. 

At AWO, we ethically source our Peppermint Essential Oil from India and do not dilute it with any other ingredients. This means you’re getting exactly what you pay for, 100% pure Peppermint Essential Oil naturally extracted via steam distillation/dementholised.   

Considerations For Use

Although rare, Peppermint Oil use may result in skin irritations or allergic reactions. That's why we always recommend performing a skin patch test before incorporating Peppermint Oil into your routine.   

AWO’s Peppermint Oil is 100% pure and therefore very concentrated, so we always recommend diluting before using topically. Because they are so potent, essential oils can cause serious harm if ingested without the necessary expertise.   

For this reason, you should never ingest essential oils. We also recommend storing your Peppermint Essential Oil in a cool, dry place at room temperature, ensuring that they are not directly exposed to sunlight and are out of reach of children or pets. 

What Customers Are Saying About Peppermint Oil

“An invigorating and great quality essential oil”
Elle (Verified Customer)

“Excellent quality product, incredibly well packaged and rapid service from the team at AWO”
Suzanne (Verified Customer)

“Recently received my Peppermint Oil I diffuse every night before bed, gives the most beautiful scent and gorgeous sleep”
Tara (Verified Customer)

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